@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ The tresholds and the actions to take are both configurable in `/etc/systemcshee
### Why?
Why not? It was a long and rough day and around 2AM, after 5-6 beers, it seemed to be a good idea to
write a daemon for a task I wanted, but mostly for my personal amusement.
This is generally intended as a joke, although for me it serves real purpose.
This is generally intended as a joke, although for me, it serves real purpose.
I didn't want to use any 3rd party service for monitoring my battery level(s),
because I know exactly what I want and how I want to do it and what configuration options I wish.
Obviously this could have been done with a shell script in a cronjob, but it's not that fun.
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@ You can also monitor your wireless keyboard and/or mouse. At this time, only one
An example can be found in [batteryd.conf.example](batteryd.conf.example)
### Building
You can build this project with CMake or technically anything else you can make it work with.
If you want to use `syslog` instead of a logfile in `/var/log/systemcshee/batteryd.log` then add `-DUSE_SYSLOG=1` to cmake parameters or define `USE_SYSLOG` any other way.
### License
This project is under the [GNU General Public License v3.0](COPYING)