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Commit 604a8945 authored by Cseh Viktor's avatar Cseh Viktor
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parent 025b8df9
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D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\framework.h(167,17): warning C4996: 'fopen': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using fopen_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See online help for details.
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(100,39): warning C4244: 'return': conversion from 'double' to 'float', possible loss of data
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(209,1): warning C4305: 'initializing': truncation from 'double' to 'float'
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(274,22): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(285,22): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(372,21): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(379,21): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(425,21): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(254,1): warning C4305: 'initializing': truncation from 'double' to 'float'
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(321,22): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(330,22): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(435,21): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(442,21): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(460,21): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(470,21): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(472,22): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(488,23): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(491,26): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(495,27): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(496,28): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(543,21): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
D:\Grafika\GrafikaHaziCsomag\Programs\Skeleton\Skeleton\Skeleton.cpp(603,22): warning C4018: '<': signed/unsigned mismatch
Generating code
2 of 355 functions ( 0.6%) were compiled, the rest were copied from previous compilation.
1 of 435 functions ( 0.2%) were compiled, the rest were copied from previous compilation.
0 functions were new in current compilation
1 functions had inline decision re-evaluated but remain unchanged
Finished generating code
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......@@ -59,21 +59,15 @@ const char* const fragmentSource = R"(
outColor = vec4(color, 1); // computed color is the color of the primitive
// Global variables
const int CIRCLESEG = 25; //how many triangle the base stands from
GPUProgram gpuProgram; // vertex and fragment shaders
unsigned int vao;
float movedTocX;
float movedTocY;
// Global structs
float clickedOncX;
float clickedOncY;
struct Color {
float r, g, b;
......@@ -87,6 +81,12 @@ struct Color {
const int CIRCLESEG = 25; //how many triangle the base stands from
GPUProgram gpuProgram; // vertex and fragment shaders
int GraphPointSize = 50;
//Global functions
......@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ float degToRad(float courrentTriangleAngle) {
class drawableBase {
unsigned int vao;
unsigned int vbo; //vertex buffer obj
std::vector<vec2> points;
Color color;
......@@ -148,14 +149,31 @@ public:
int cntr = 0; // TODO: remove this cntr
class GraphPoint : drawableBase {
vec3 p3D; //center of the point in hyperbolic splace
//center of the point in hyperbolic splace
vec3 p3D;
//radius used for the circle
float r = 20.0f;
vec2 p; // center on the base disk
//center of the point in 2D,
//NOT USED for displaying
vec2 p;
//Here stores the point the direct neighbours
std::vector<GraphPoint*> neighbours;
//This is for algorithm. If it's true,
//it wont be drawn again
bool Drawn;
//This is for the cluster search algorithm
//if this GraphPoint has benn added to a cluster,
//the algorithm won't put it again in another cluster
bool searched;
Texture texture;
GraphPoint() {
......@@ -166,44 +184,71 @@ public:
Drawn = false;
//Returns if the point is drawn
bool getDrawn() {
return Drawn;
//Set the drawn state
void setDrawn(bool _d) {
Drawn = _d;
bool getSearched() {
return searched;
//Set the drawn state
void setSearched(bool _d) {
searched = _d;
//Add a neighbour to vector
void addNeighbour(GraphPoint *gp){
//returns with the neighbour vector.
//Needed for the custer search algorithm
std::vector<GraphPoint*> getNeighbourVec() {
return neighbours;
//Returns the size of the neigbours vector
int getNeighboursSize() {
return neighbours.size();
//Returns the 2D point. I'm not sure if i use this....
vec2 getPoint() {
return p;
//Returns the point coordinates in hyperbolic space.
//NOT divided by Z (not ready for display)
vec3 getPoint3D() {
return p3D;
//Sets the point to the given coordinates
//and calculates the point in hyperbolic space
void setCoordinates(vec2 _p) {
p = _p;
p3D = Vec2ToVec3(p);
//Converts the 2D point into point in hyperbolic space
vec3 Vec2ToVec3(vec2 p) {
return vec3(p.x, p.y, (float)sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y + 1));
//Returns the gradient of the point
vec3 grad(vec3 _p) {
return vec3(2 * _p.x, 2 * _p.y, -2 * _p.z);
//This calculates the triangles for the circle in hyperbolic space
void placeCircleToNewCoordinates() {
float piece = 360.0 / CIRCLESEG;
......@@ -246,10 +291,9 @@ public:
p3D.y / p3D.z + (sinf(degToRad(courrentTriangleAngle)) / r) / p3D.z * -cosf(atanf(2 * abs(p3D.y)))));
//printf("x=%f, y=%f xALPHA=%f \n", p3D.x, p3D.y, sinf(atanf(2 * abs(p3D.x) + 2 * abs(p3D.y))));
//Never used it. Projects the 3D point to 2D
vec2 vec3tovec2(vec3 c) {
vec2 temp;
temp.x = c.x;
......@@ -257,15 +301,18 @@ public:
return temp;
//Recolors the point
void reColor() const {
int location = glGetUniformLocation(gpuProgram.getId(), "color");
glUniform3f(location, color.r, color.g, color.b); // 3 floats
//sets the color of the color of the point to given rgb values
void setColor(Color newColor) override{
color = newColor;
//Iterates through the neighbours and sets them to new coordinates
void gpNeighbourAlgorithm(float angle) {
try {
float deg = 360.0f / neighbours.size();
......@@ -273,8 +320,6 @@ public:
for (int i = 0; i < neighbours.size(); i++) {
if (neighbours[i]->getDrawn() == false) {
printf("kirajzolva: %d \n", ++cntr);
neighbours[i]->setCoordinates(vec2(p.x + cosf(degToRad(currAngle)), p.y + sinf(degToRad(currAngle))));
currAngle += deg;
......@@ -290,11 +335,12 @@ public:
catch (...) {
printf("Somethings wrong here");
catch (...) {
printf("Somethings wrong here");
//Actually draws the calculated circle/point
void draw()
Drawn = true;
......@@ -307,26 +353,40 @@ public:
//Can't put it to the structs, becouse GraphPoint not declared there
// Global structs
struct pairs {
GraphPoint* p1;
GraphPoint* p2;
struct Cluster {
std::vector<GraphPoint*> data;
int size;
Cluster* next;
// End of Global structs
class Line : drawableBase {
GraphPoint* p1;
GraphPoint* p2;
Line(GraphPoint *_p1, GraphPoint *_p2) {
Line(GraphPoint* _p1, GraphPoint* _p2) {
setColor(Color(254, 254, 0));
p2 = _p2;
p1 = _p1;
void set() {
vec3 temp = p1->getPoint3D();
points.push_back(vec2(temp.x / temp.z, temp.y/ temp.z));
points.push_back(vec2(temp.x / temp.z, temp.y / temp.z));
temp = p2->getPoint3D();
points.push_back(vec2(temp.x / temp.z, temp.y / temp.z));
......@@ -351,16 +411,19 @@ public:
class graphManager {
GraphPoint* gps = new GraphPoint[50];
GraphPoint* gps = new GraphPoint[GraphPointSize];
std::vector<pairs> pair;
std::vector<Line> line;
//Variables for the sorting algorithms
std::vector<GraphPoint*> twoOrLess;
std::vector<Cluster> clstrs;
graphManager() {
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
for (int j = i+1; j < 50; j++) {
int rndm = rand() % 100;
for (int i = 0; i < GraphPointSize; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < GraphPointSize; j++) {
int rndm = rand() % 100;
if (rndm < 5) {
pairs p; p.p1 = &gps[i]; p.p2 = &gps[j];
......@@ -380,18 +443,114 @@ public:
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < GraphPointSize; i++) {
void lessThanThreeNGB() {
for (int i = 0; i < GraphPointSize; i++) {
if (gps[i].getNeighboursSize() < 3) {
bool findInVector(std::vector<GraphPoint*> vec, GraphPoint* p) {
for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) {
if (vec[j] == p) {
return true;
return false;
//returns if a Graphpoint is in any of the clusters
bool inCluster(GraphPoint* p) {
for (int i = 0; i < clstrs.size(); i++) {
std::vector<GraphPoint*> temp = clstrs[i].data;
for (int j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++) {
if (temp[j] == p) {
return true;
return false;
int cntr = 0;
void clusterFinder() {
for (int i = 0; i < GraphPointSize; i++) {
if (!findInVector(twoOrLess, &gps[i])) {
Cluster tempClstr;
std::vector<GraphPoint*> search;
search = gps[i].getNeighbourVec();
for (int j = 0; j < search.size(); j++) { //szomszedain megy vegig
if (!findInVector(twoOrLess, search[j])) { //ha a szomszed nincs benne a 2 vagy kevesebb tombben
if (!inCluster(search[i])) { // es nincs semelyik clusterben
for (int k = 0; k < search[j] -> getNeighbourVec().size(); k++) { //vegigmegy a aszomszed szomszedain
//azonossagot keres a hivo pont szomszedaival
std::vector<GraphPoint*> tempNGBVec;
tempNGBVec = search[j]->getNeighbourVec();
for (int l = 0; l < tempNGBVec.size(); l++) {
for (int m = 0; m < search.size(); m++) {
if (tempNGBVec[l] == search[m]) {
printf("belepve %d \n", ++cntr);
search[j]->setSearched(true); tempNGBVec[l]->setSearched(true); gps[i].setSearched(true);
if (tempClstr.size == 0) {[j]);[l]);[i]);
tempClstr.size += 3;
else {[j]);[l]);
tempClstr.size += 2;
if(tempClstr.size > 2)
void forceDrivenSort() {
//resulant forces storing vector
std::vector<vec2> resulants;
for (int i = 0; i < GraphPointSize; i++) {
vec2 pointResulatn;
void sortGraph() {
// Delete previous graph from buffer
glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
//reset all the lines TODO: fix this later
for (int i = 0; i < pair.size(); i++) {
Line temp(pair[i].p1, pair[i].p2);
//Select the graphpoint with the most pair
GraphPoint biggest = gps[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 50; i++) {
for (int i = 1; i < GraphPointSize; i++) {
if (gps[i].getNeighboursSize() > biggest.getNeighboursSize())
biggest = gps[i];
......@@ -406,29 +565,49 @@ public:
//kirajzolja az elsot
currAngle += deg;
currAngle -= deg;
//vegigiteral az osszesen
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < GraphPointSize; i++) {
//ha meg nics felrajzolva
if (gps[i].getDrawn() == false) {
// beallitja a koordinatat ay elsohoz kepest
gps[i].setCoordinates(vec2(biggest.getPoint3D().x + cosf(degToRad(currAngle)) /0.9f, biggest.getPoint3D().y + sinf(degToRad(currAngle))/0.9f));
gps[i].setCoordinates(vec2(biggest.getPoint3D().x + cosf(degToRad(currAngle)) , biggest.getPoint3D().y + sinf(degToRad(currAngle))));
currAngle += deg;
if (gps[i].getNeighboursSize() != 0) {
gps[i].gpNeighbourAlgorithm(currAngle + deg);
currAngle -= deg;
// Delete previous graph from buffer
for (int i = 0; i < line.size(); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
//Count as 1 cluster, if there are at least 3 point,
//wich contains each-other as a neigbour
printf("%d db cluster van", clstrs.size());
printf(" kevesebb mint 3 szomszedos pontok: %d \n", twoOrLess.size());
void MoveAllPoints() {
for (int i = 0; i < GraphPointSize; i++) {
vec2 temp = gps[i].getPoint();
vec2 p1((clickedOncX - temp.x), (clickedOncY - temp.y));
gps[i].setCoordinates(vec2((movedTocX - p1.x), (movedTocY - p1.y)));
for (int i = 0; i < pair.size(); i++) {
Line temp(pair[i].p1, pair[i].p2);
graphManager gm;
......@@ -462,19 +641,22 @@ void onKeyboard(unsigned char key, int pX, int pY) {
void onKeyboardUp(unsigned char key, int pX, int pY) {
// Move mouse with key pressed
void onMouseMotion(int pX, int pY) { // pX, pY are the pixel coordinates of the cursor in the coordinate system of the operation system
// Convert to normalized device space
float cX = 2.0f * pX / windowWidth - 1; // flip y axis
float cY = 1.0f - 2.0f * pY / windowHeight;
printf("Mouse moved to (%3.2f, %3.2f)\n", cX, cY);
movedTocX = 2.0f * pX / windowWidth - 1; // flip y axis
movedTocY = 1.0f - 2.0f * pY / windowHeight;
printf("Mouse moved to (%3.2f, %3.2f)\n", movedTocX, movedTocY);
// Mouse click event
void onMouse(int button, int state, int pX, int pY) { // pX, pY are the pixel coordinates of the cursor in the coordinate system of the operation system
// Convert to normalized device space
float cX = 2.0f * pX / windowWidth - 1; // flip y axis
float cY = 1.0f - 2.0f * pY / windowHeight;
clickedOncX = 2.0f * pX / windowWidth - 1; // flip y axis
clickedOncY = 1.0f - 2.0f * pY / windowHeight;
char* buttonStat;
switch (state) {
......@@ -483,9 +665,9 @@ void onMouse(int button, int state, int pX, int pY) { // pX, pY are the pixel co
switch (button) {
case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: printf("Left button %s at (%3.2f, %3.2f)\n", buttonStat, cX, cY); break;
case GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON: printf("Middle button %s at (%3.2f, %3.2f)\n", buttonStat, cX, cY); break;
case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: printf("Right button %s at (%3.2f, %3.2f)\n", buttonStat, cX, cY); break;
case GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON: printf("Left button %s at (%3.2f, %3.2f)\n", buttonStat, clickedOncX, clickedOncY); break;
case GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON: printf("Middle button %s at (%3.2f, %3.2f)\n", buttonStat, clickedOncX, clickedOncY); break;
case GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON: printf("Right button %s at (%3.2f, %3.2f)\n", buttonStat, clickedOncX, clickedOncY); break;
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