# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project. # Official framework image. Look for the different tagged releases at: # https://hub.docker.com/r/library/python image: python:latest # Pick zero or more services to be used on all builds. # Only needed when using a docker container to run your tests in. # Check out: http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/docker/using_docker_images.html#what-is-a-service services: - mysql:latest - postgres:latest variables: POSTGRES_DB: database_name # This folder is cached between builds # http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/yaml/README.html#cache cache: paths: - ~/.cache/pip/ # This is a basic example for a gem or script which doesn't use # services such as redis or postgres before_script: - python -V # Print out python version for debugging # Uncomment next line if your Django app needs a JS runtime: # - apt-get update -q && apt-get install nodejs -yqq - pip install -r requirements/development.txt # To get Django tests to work you may need to create a settings file using # the following DATABASES: # # DATABASES = { # 'default': { # 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', # 'NAME': 'ci', # 'USER': 'postgres', # 'PASSWORD': 'postgres', # 'HOST': 'postgres', # 'PORT': '5432', # }, # } # # and then adding `--settings app.settings.ci` (or similar) to the test command stages: - lint - test - coverage flake8: stage: lint script: - flake8 --max-line-length=125 --exclude=src/kszkepzes,migrations test: variables: DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/$POSTGRES_DB" SECRET_KEY: "secret" AUTHSCH_KEY: "secret" AUTHSCH_SECRET: "secret" script: - python src/manage.py test