import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Comment, Table, Icon, Popup, Grid, Button, Form, Dropdown, } from 'semantic-ui-react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { visitorChange, submitVisitors } from '../../actions/statistics'; import { writeNote, clearWrite, postEventNote } from '../../actions/notes'; const visitStates = [ { text: 'Igen', value: 'Visitor', }, { text: 'Szólt h nem', value: 'Absent', }, { text: 'Nem', value: 'No', } ] class TraineeTableRow extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showAddPopup: false, showMorePopup: false, }; } // Hides and shows the Add and More popup triggerAdd = () => this.setState({ ...this.state, showAddPopup: !this.state.showAddPopup}) triggerMore = () => this.setState({ ...this.state, showMorePopup: !this.state.showMorePopup }) render() { const note = this.props.actualNote; const { trainee, edit, actualNote, selectedEvent, notes } = this.props; const isVisitor = selectedEvent.visitors.includes(; const isAbsent = selectedEvent.absent.includes(; return ( <Table.Row> <Table.Cell textAlign='center'> {trainee.full_name} </Table.Cell> {/* Show and change Visitors status */} {!this.props.edit ? <Table.Cell textAlign='center'> { isVisitor ? <Icon color='green' name='checkmark' /> : isAbsent ? <Icon color='orange' name='minus' /> : <Icon color='red' name='cancel' /> } </Table.Cell> : <Table.Cell textAlign='center'> <Dropdown defaultValue={isVisitor ? 'Visitor' : isAbsent ? 'Absent' : 'No'} selection options={visitStates} onChange={(_, v) => this.props.visitorChange({ id :, value: v.value })} /> </Table.Cell> } {/* Notes for trainees */} <Table.Cell> <Grid> <Grid.Row> {/* Note text */} <Grid.Column floated='left' width={8}> {notes.length > 0 ? <Comment> <Comment.Content> <Comment.Author><b>{notes[0].created_by_name}:</b></Comment.Author> <Comment.Text style={{wordWrap: 'break-word'}}> {notes[0].note.length > 25 ? notes[0].note.slice(0, 25).concat('...') : notes[0].note } </Comment.Text> </Comment.Content> </Comment> : null } </Grid.Column> {/* Note buttons */} <Grid.Column floated='right' width={6} textAlign='right'> {notes.length > 0 ? <Popup basic open={this.state.showMorePopup} trigger={ <Button icon='comment alternate outline' onClick={this.triggerMore} /> } content={ => { return ( <Comment.Content> <Comment.Author><b>{note.created_by_name}:</b></Comment.Author> <Comment.Text> {note.note} </Comment.Text> </Comment.Content> ); })} /> : null } <Popup basic trigger={ <Button icon='plus' onClick={this.triggerAdd}/> } open={this.state.showAddPopup} content={ <Form reply> <Form.TextArea value={note.note} onChange={e => this.props.writeNote(e)} /> <Button primary onClick={() => { this.triggerAdd() this.props.postEventNote({ eventid:, userid:, note: note.note }) this.props.clearWrite() }} content='Megjegyzés hozzáadása' labelPosition='left' icon='edit' /> </Form> } /> </Grid.Column> </Grid.Row> </Grid> </Table.Cell> </Table.Row> ); } } const mapStateToProps = ({ notes: { actualNote } }) => ({ actualNote }) export default connect(mapStateToProps, { writeNote, clearWrite, postEventNote, visitorChange})(TraineeTableRow)